Community Groups

God created us to live in community, and at BridgePoint, Community Groups are the place we live that out. Alongside of our weekend gatherings, engaging in Community Groups are key to helping us take our next step spiritually. We truly are better when we are together and NO ONE should have to walk alone. Community Groups drive us to live on mission in our private lives and as a group. They help us foster life-giving relationships with the people where we live, work, play, learn, and collectively as a group, we will look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we build bridges to point people back to God.

What are Community Groups?

Community Groups are community-based, gospel-centered gatherings where all people, no matter their spiritual background can belong and discover their next step. We believe God has called us to be a church that makes disciples who make disciples. The best way to do that is through community and building relationships as we spur each other on in love to walk in obedience to Jesus! Come as you are, leave different because we are groups of imperfect people being changed by a perfect God.

Are you ready to take your next step?

Discover a group today!